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Present simple

The present tense is one of the fundamental and basic grammars  phenomena you will encounter while studying English. Using time alone is not complicated.

Why is it good to know the present simple?

You will often take advantage of the present tense when  you talk about yourself  or about your surroundings and conversations about things that apply in the present - such as your personal information. It is also used if you are talking about things that are still or universally valid -  such as natural laws and scientific facts. You will also use the present simple time,  if you talk about habits and regular activities .

How to make the present simple

Creating a positive sentence

Příklad tvoření kladé věty v přtomném čase prostém (present simple tense).

Negative sentence formation

Making questions

When do we use simple time (with examples)

1) When we talk about states in the present

This is the hat ...

... of Marvelo * the Magician ...

... and in this hat live two rabbits ...

... one named Bob, ...

... one named Bobby.

I love you all dearly. 

I don't want pancakes. I want Snow .

Your friends look cute. 

Do they know about me?

2) When we talk about things that happen regularly

Annie's dog sleeps in the oven.

Every day I look at this dress and I say to myself  "I want to be slim enough to wear it!"

3) And also when we talk about something that is always (generally) true

The name “humpback” comes from the signature motion it makes ...

... as its back clears the water * before a dive.

Adult humpbacks ...

... average between 35 to 50 feet * in length ...

... and weigh about a ton per foot.

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How to properly learn to use the present simple?


Keep the present tense phrases in the cards and notice how they are used.
In order to experience verb tense, it is important to notice it as often as possible in a thrilling context. At Mooveez, you can use a selection of card phrases.


Now use the cards with  sentences for translation with the present simple tense  to activate. Set the package up in Czech and translate from Czech to English.
Then turn the deck over and practice with the cards  pronunciation.
Did you know that until you can pronounce the phrase correctly, it will not be stored in your long-term memory?


Take advantage of the unforgettable movie scene and fix this time with a short dialogue or monologue that stuck to you. For example:


Did you know that the present tense is also suitable for describing a film or a movie scene? Practice it with a regular summary of watched movies and series or their parts.

In this film Snow White changes from a gentle and shy princess into a bandit queen. In the end she beats the evil queen and her dark magic.

Proč je dobe znat PTS


with the movie


to learn..

English grammar



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