An Introduction to Mooveez: A Message From the Founder of Mooveez

Why is it so much harder for adults to learn languages? Mooveez has cracked the code with a method that mimics the natural, immersive, and fearless way children learn their native language.

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Language learning: why do adults find it more difficult than children?

Welcome to the video "Introducing Mooveez"! I'm Miroslav Pesta, founder of the Mooveez Company. For several years now, my colleagues and I have been trying to find the best way to learn any language as well as children learn their native language.

There are eight billion people in the world, and all but a small number of them learned to speak their native language as children. But when those same people try to learn another language as adults, they find it much more difficult. Why is this so?

Searching for the answer

This question kept me busy for a long time so I decided to explore how children learn languages and what changes happen later in life. In my research, I discovered some interesting connections and another question emerged: Is it possible to learn languages as well as children if we return to the principles we used to learn our native language? The answer is unequivocally: yes!

Learning a language like children

When I studied how children learn languages, I discovered several key aspects. The first is immersion in the environment of the language. Children are constantly surrounded by their native language and have the opportunity to interact with it in all situations. This allows them to listen, repeat, understand, and gradually engage in communication.

The second aspect is the absence of fear and shame. Children are not afraid to make mistakes and are therefore able to experiment with the language naturally. They do not see mistakes as failures but as part of the learning process.

A return to the basics

If we want to improve our language learning skills, it is important to return to these basic principles. At the Mooveez Company, we have developed a revolutionary method that is inspired by the natural process by which children learn their own native language.

There are eight billion people in the world, and all but a small number of them learned to speak their native language as children. But when those same people try to learn another language as adults, they find it much more difficult.

Searching for an answer

This question kept me busy and I decided to explore how children learn languages and what changes later in life. In my research work, I discovered interesting connections and another question emerged: Is it possible to learn languages as reliably if we return to the principles we used to learn our mother tongue? The answer is unequivocally: yes!

Mastering any language well

Our method has proven to be effective for learning a variety of languages. Students make significant progress and gain confidence using the target language. The loss of fear and active immersion in the language environment enables results similar to those achieved by children learning their native language.

At the Mooveez Company, we believe that every person has the potential to learn any language. Our method is designed to help adults achieve mastery of any language. Come join us and discover the joy and success of learning a new language without stress and without placing limits on yourself.

Learning a language can be difficult, especially for adults. But if we return to the principles we used when learning our native language, we can achieve success in learning other languages. The important thing is to immerse ourselves in the language environment and to remove the fear of making mistakes. The Mooveez Company offers an innovative method that allows you to master any language with confidence. Join us and discover the joy of improving your language skills regardless of your age or previous experience.